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Watch My Little Pony Equestria Girls 2013 Full HD Movie

Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Full HD Movie

Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)
  • MOVIE page: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013)
  • Rate: 6.5/10 total 916 votes 
  • Genre: Animation | Family | Fantasy
  • Runtime: 72 min
  • Director: Jayson Thiessen
  • Stars: Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman | See full cast and crew
  • Original Music By: William Anderson  (as William Kevin Anderson) 
  • Soundtrack: This Strange World
  • Plot Keyword: Magic | High School | Unicorn | Pony | Fish Out Of Water
Writing Credits By:
  • Meghan McCarthy (written by)
  • Lauren Faust (television series: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic")

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Official Movie Trailer LA Film Fest (2013) My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Trailer HD My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Official Trailer 2013 Equestria Girls Official Trailer 2 + Trailer Review : HD PLUS My Little Pony - Equestria Girls Official Trailer 2013 

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Synopsis :

Twilight Sparkle is still concerned about her recent coronation to a princess as she and her Ponyville friends travel to the Crystal Empire for a celebration. While there, Sunset Shimmer, a former and bitter student of Princess Celestia, steals Twilight's crown, one of the Elements of Harmony. In the tussle, the crown falls through a magic mirror, and Sunset follows it through. Princess Celestia informs Twilight and her friends that the mirror leads to a different world and that Twilight alone must cross over to retrieve it, else the Elements of Harmony will fail to work to protect Equestria. As Twilight crosses over, Spike jumps in after her.

The two find themselves in a different world outside of a large school; Twilight has become a teenaged human girl, while Spike has become a dog. The two are confused about this new world, but Twilight starts to recognize several of the schoolmates as similar to her Ponyville friends - Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity - and quickly b.......

Plot: Via a magic mirror, Twilight Sparkle travels into an alternate universe in order to recover a crown that was stolen from the Crystal Empire. Upon her arrival she is horrified to learn that she has turned into a human. Full summary »  »

Story: In Equestria, the newly coronated Twilight Sparkle is still trying to adjust to her new status and wings. However, Sunset Shimmer a renegade former studio of Princess Celestia, steals her magic crown and escapes to another world. Twilight is charged with recovering the crown and she and her companion, Spike, pursue the thief. Crossing over, Twilight finds that she has been changed into a powerless human in a high school world populated with teenage human counterparts of her friends. To save both worlds, Twilight must rediscover the magic of friendship that transcends everything she imagined possible. Written byKenneth Chisholm (

Produced By:

  • Chris Bartleman known as executive producer
  • Devon Cody known as producer
  • Stephen Davis known as executive producer
  • Kirsten Newlands known as executive producer
  • Sarah Wall known as producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Tara Strong known as Twilight Sparkle (voice)
  • Ashleigh Ball known as Applejack / Rainbow Dash (voice)
  • Andrea Libman known as Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy (voice)
  • Tabitha St. Germain known as Rarity / Princess Luna / Vice Principal Luna / Cup Cake (voice)
  • Cathy Weseluck known as Spike (voice)
  • Rebecca Shoichet known as Sunset Shimmer / Twilight Sparkle - singing (voice)
  • Lee Tockar known as Snips (voice)
  • Richard Ian Cox known as Snails (voice)
  • Nicole Oliver known as Princess Celestia / Principal Celestia / Cheerilee (voice)
  • Vincent Tong known as Flash Sentry (voice)
  • Britt McKillip known as Princess Cadance (voice)
  • Shannon Chan-Kent known as Pinkie Pie - singing (singing voice)
  • Kazumi Evans known as Rarity - singing (singing voice)
  • Kathleen Barr known as Trixie (voice) (uncredited)
  • Claire Corlett known as Sweetie Belle (voice) (uncredited)
  • Michelle Creber known as Apple Bloom (voice) (uncredited)
  • Peter New known as Big Macintosh / Drummer (voice) (uncredited)
  • Madeleine Peters known as Scootaloo (voice) (uncredited)

Production Companies:

  • DHX Media
  • Hasbro Studios
  • Top Draw Animation Inc. (Layout / background & animation services)

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Review by elsol-3 from United States
For a start... it definitely did not warrant a theatre release.

No additional effort was put into the animation beyond the TV seriesother than the opening credits animation, at all. Would have been anice two-parter to link the existing My Little Pony seasons 3 and 4together.

Two, it's so obvious the entire movie is a giant advertisement forHasbro to sell anthro-based dolls based on popular characters. The waythe characters are introduced and stylised, it's just glaring andgrating.

The basic story? As predictable as ever, even for a MLP episode. Whichis fine for a MLP episode, but not for a movie, hence back to myoriginal belief it didn't warrant a theatre release. The fact that it'sset in such a tedious and over-used setting as a school formal? Awful.So much opportunity for this to have been done better was wasted on acliché. The ponies are regressed to teenage years when in Ponyvillethey are already mares, ie mature. The movie should have reflectedthis, and used it to encourage girls (and guys) in a more positivedirection than what it does.

The writing was about as standard as the series, but I'm disappointedwith the whole image of the movie. Everyone is thin and anaemic, withthe exception of Snails, and lo and behold, the unpopular "bad guyhenchman" is fat. The ONLY fat person in the entire movie. In theseries, all the ponies are rounded, or at least full-bodied; all thismovie does is perpetuate the stick-insect mentality of fashion thatgirls are now being encouraged to pursue. Which leads to...

Concepts of friendship are nice to see in this movie, and I'm glad theyare there. But the series does a much better job of teaching thoseconcepts in a manner that isn't muddied by imagery that iscounter-productive to many children's' self-esteem. This movie is astep backwards for the quality of the show, not a step forwards.

So, overall? Poor. It *could* have been so much more. Instead, we gotdreck. It's 4, perhaps a 5 out of 10. For the absolute littlies only,and I say that with hesitation given the body-image impressions it'ssetting up for them.

I hope this stays a one-off, and is never attempted again.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Review by from California

I'm sorry, I hate writing this kind of review but that's essential.

It's depressing to admit that a good franchise, an awesome work fromLauren Faust, Sabrina Alberghetti and Daniel Ingram have been reducedto this. With all the respect I have towards these creative geniuses,why did you let Hasbro, the main company hack your creation into this?

The singing sequences are irritating. The character design is creepyand just... awful. I do believe it's a parody of MLPFIM. Some littlegirls and teens disliked it obviously, for; the only good moments onthe movie were on the beginning, and the ending when they're what theyare: horses. (Do you imagine any Disney or a Bugs Bunny movie whereBugs becomes human?) It's genuinely terrible. Dialogs are pointless,puns are bad and overdone.

On the writing, plot's nonsensical. Other characters supposed to be theprotagonist's friends are not there, inexistent. Existing characterswho were good ponies in the series are now evil. Forced memes and morestupid dancing, with a very bad, glitches and bugs in the animation.Speaking of, I think the bad animation played a very high part intomaking this "movie" like some kind of parody or something. if it was aTV show i'd laugh my ass off, but there, I know people paid to watchthis.

80% of the movie or more is about "dancing" on silly dance music. onceit's okay, but having 3. 4. and another one, you really want to leave.

I was staring at the green sign that says "emergency exit" glowing onthe darkness of the theater. one family left because their daughter andson wanted to leave. they had enough of this silly cartoon, but I ain'tno kid, I made it until the end, where Twilight comes back to normalwith her crown! that was but a nightmare !

They tried to make it funny, which was even worse if not embarrassingand that day I really wanted, if not needed to watch something funny.

To sum up : it seems that Hasbro has found back through MLP a very hugeand important audience, so they put the maximum to extract what theycould from this audience. This has nothing to do with MLPFIM. This isjust an incredibly bad "movie".

Sorry again for rating this as awful, but that's all I can give. It wasan error from DHX and we all have to learn from our errors. (Thatquote's from an MLPFIM episode that was the radical opposite ofeverything on this movie BTW. )

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2013) Review by ToonFool from United States
I haven't been watching the series for that many months, but it left somuch of a mark on me that I knew I had to go see this in theaters. AndI have no regrets doing so. I mean, it's not one of the strongestthings to come out of the MLP G4 franchise, but for what I could'vegotten with this concept, which is... let's be fair, odd, a lot ofthings did exceed my expectations.

Let's start with the story execution. Aside from the whole "TwilightSparkle is a high school human" dealie, there doesn't seem to be muchto the premise, just sort-of a 'win your goal'-type plot. However, theymanage to make it intriguing and very entertaining to watch with howcharacter-driven they make the actual storytelling, especially with thecharacters they have to work with, but we'll get to that later. What'smore is that despite there being a lot of small, extra scenes involvingTwilight having to get accustomed to her new surroundings, they almostnever forget the actual story; and even though the spotlight stays onTwilight like it should, at its core it is still about friendship,which is really what the show always was. Finally, it's just flat-outfunny, from character reveals to series callbacks to simple but fittingcharacter-based lines.

Next, the visuals. DHX really knows how to make flash animation lookgood, and this is among their best work. There are a huge variety ofcharacter movements (much less restricted than the pony figures), somereally cool-looking effects, and surprisingly, I even found myselfgetting really accustomed to some of the human designs as well. Not allof them work (ex. Celestia, Luna, and Big Mac), but many of themactually blend with their pony counterparts pretty darn well (ex.Rarity, Fluttershy, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders). Even some of thebackgrounds, like the Fall Formal and the Crystal Empire (which I'musually not all that impressed by) managed to prove appealing as well.

The music takes a different style from that of the series, going morepop-ish and overall more fitting of the high school environment. WhileI don't think the score is bad per say, it does prove to be a little onthe generic side. The same can be said for the musical numbersthemselves, and while I didn't hate any of them, the only one I trulyremember is "Helping Twilight Win the Crown", which will leave youhumming afterward.

Now onto the characters, starting with the main cast. Twilight is justas lovably nerdy but still admirable as ever, even further strengthenedby the support from Spike, who's a dog here. Yeah, don't worry, theymanage to work that out okay. The human counterparts of her friends areobviously faithful to their originals, but what makes them workparticularly well here is that each of them get their own time to shinethat never feel out of place, and at least most of them get somethingnew added to their roles as well to fit the setting, which I thoughtwas a really nice touch and it made them all the more interesting towatch in an alternate reality.

For the secondary characters, they weren't as nice. I mean, you've gotthose that are pretty much just cameos or throwaway jokes, such asTrixie and Vinyl Scratch, which can be fun to watch as little as theyadd, but you've also got some others that are put in a role that justdon't fit, such as Celestia & Luna being the principals and Snips &Snails being the henchmen to the antagonist, Sunset Shimmer. Speakingof Sunset, I find her a decent antagonist with her menacing appearance,reputation, and ultimate goal, but with the bits of backstory they giveher and her competence in Equestria, you really wish there were more ofthose. But instead, it's traded for little more than just menacingattributes and a pointless twist at the climax. The other new characteris the love interest Flash Sentry, and even though he isn't a uselesscharacter, both him and the romance angle are just weak. If they reallywanted this to work, they seriously needed to put much more passion andeffort into it, because they really treaded some dangerous waters withthis.

Of course, all this is not to say I'm supporting the high school ideain the first place. As well as they handle it, it's so bizarre merelyin its existence. I mean, the film was obviously made for marketingpurposes (just Hasbro doing their business), but I don't even know whatthe mindset was with them making the toys in the first place. What didthey intend to accomplish with this exactly? Well, for me, it'llprobably remain a mystery.

All in all, on its own, Equestria Girls isn't really a good movie, butif you take it as a TV movie like it was originally intended to be, aswell as one made for marketing at that, you'll probably find at leastsomething to like about it, even if the movie as a whole doesn't manageto satisfy you. I personally managed to find a lot more to enjoy. Ifyou aren't a fan of the series, you probably won't get into it here. Ifyou are, you should probably give it at least a chance, and be sure totake it for what it's worth.

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